CBC Old Boys Bowls Club
There was a good turnout of club members at a Farewell Function in honour of those members who are travelling to provincial and national tournaments.
Our Bowling Club has earned a strong reputation as one of the most competitive in Gauteng North, consistently leading the way in local competitions and holding its own in the league with both men’s and ladies’ teams across almost all divisions. We actively promote the sport through various internal competitions, including night series, Power Bowl singles, charity fundraisers, and social bowls. We’re also proud to count over 10 provincial and national bowlers among our members. It’s no wonder we’re considered the ‘Club of Choice’ in Gauteng North.
Hugo Botha
072 645 4589
Secretary and Events
Laetitia Momberg
079 419 3703
Membership is conditional to being approved by the Bowls Committee. Whilst the focus is on bowls membership and active participation is social membership also encouraged.
Full Membership – R1 685
Duel Membership – R1 220
Members Older than 65 – R1 285
Social Member – R1 200
Social and Over 65 – R800
Scholars U/18 – Free
All subscriptions are due and payable on 1 January of each year and must be fully paid up by 31 January, unless the President, on written representation by the member, has granted such member extension to pay, but no later than 31 March of each year.
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President – Hugo Botha
Past President – Anthony Rea
Vice President – Willem Botha
Treasurer – Niel Smit
Secretary and Events – Laetitia Momberg
Competition Secretary – Nice Beetge & Hugo Botha
Catering Manager – Vacant
Bar Manager – Joan Budde
Additional Members – Kevin Sinovich, Trudie le Grange and Emily Lubbe
There was a good turnout of club members at a Farewell Function in honour of those members who are travelling to provincial and national tournaments.
CBCOB bowlers deliver outstanding performancesIn January our star bowler Esme Kruger won the Gauteng North Ladies Singles title.Esme continued her good form in February by
The past week saw some great results for CBCOB. The past week the Ladies Midweek Fours Team won the semifinals, the ladies team in the
On Sunday 16 February many a bowler embarked on the Bowls Gauteng North Trips competition played at various venues in the district. Three mens’ and
The club hosted two special events the latter part of of 2019. A Breast Cancer Bowl for Pink event in October whereby R16K was raised